About us
Our history
In 1994 our sister-company “dent a pharm” was founded and began the production with light curing tray material (material for fabrication of individual custom tray / blanks) “unlabled” for the private label market. In the course of time further private label products of high quality for dental laboratories and for dentistry use got into their range. In the year 1998 the company “Willmann & Pein GmbH” was founded. The idea for start up with “W & P” was to create an own label. Since many years both companies are producing light curing composites, temporary cements, A-Silicones, glas-ionomer-cements, prophylaxis and bleaching materials, LiWa and different other products. We are an ambitious company which always pursuits the target of develope innovative products that comes up to the customers satisfaction. The distribution of the products takes place under own trade mark in more than 80 countries all over the world.
All products of both companies are subject of strict quality control according to DIN 13485:2012. Special know-how, binded with amanding technologies, take care to ensure the progress in dentistry. The business we devote ourselves to, is based on recognizing the natural-science-medical connetings. Our development and combination of tailor-made problem-solvations is based hereon. Throughout the cooperation with universities, scientifical institutions and practitioners from the area of dentistry and dental-technique, results a synergical-effect which flow into our products. We take part at the most important worldwide dental exhibitions with an own booth. It is important for us that our customers have the possibiliy to meet us. We are always keen to respond to our customers suggestion.

Dr. Wolfgang Willmann

Joachim Pein

Renate Pein

Søren Pein